If you are young and an inventor then this is your page to read about events, competitions, challenges, quizzes, opportunities and fun stuff to do. We’ll be serious too with e-books on How to Invent and advice on entering international competitions and more …all sorts of things to inspire and intrigue
young questing minds!
We believe that children are the future, and we’re excited to see what their creative minds will bring to our world!
The Institute of Inventors and Innovators
Little People. BIG Ideas!
Are you a Young Inventor?
Complete a membership application form in full which
includes parental permission.

Global Innovation Field Trip
World Learning at it’s best: The world is changing and education must change with it. The Global Innovation Field Trip is The GIFT that will enable you to do that. Join us for the next on-line, 24-hour, multi-country collaboration, celebrating young innovators and those who educate, inspire and sponsor innovation.

The InventFuture.Global mission is to support and enable students to develop and improve their problem-solving skills and their confidence in themselves, so that they will be able to handle and overcome the many problems and issues that they will face in their adult lives and careers.

Kids Makers Club meets virtually on the first Wednesday of the month and the meetings are tailored towards tomorrow’s Young Inventors (18 and below). With fun and interactive group sessions, everyone is encouraged to attend and make what they imagine, find solutions to problems and learn all about inventing. To find out more and keep up-to-date with what’s happening, make sure you keep visiting the
Young Inventors page on this website.