Inventor Resources

Below we have a large selection of resources to help any inventor.

The processes and systems and methods of INVENTING, and LICENSING, IP protection and getting ideas to market are generally
standard – just remember to do your research and adapt what you learn to
our South African circumstances.

We have had a long list of international speakers who have shared their knowledge and skills in various videos, you can find them some below, and we will add others as soon as they become available!

Volunteer 3

Site Seeing

Here below are some of the sites we think you will like. They are in no particular order, they will be useful in different ways and if one does not suit you leave itand move on.



The Institute receives enquiries about inventions and innovations daily and it’s interesting to see that many of these are similar because the same issues come up repeatedly.

Useful Links

Some of these links below may be more useful to you than others …and then one day, what you thought was not as useful then may be just the one you want to look at or follow.


All sorts of entries will be found here – and for the most part we will be writing about III business, advocacy issues, trends, news, views, events, media reports, podcasts, photos and more.