K-12 4-18yrs – R240 / yr US$20
- Complete a membership application form in full which includes parental permission to partake in KidsMakersClub activities.
- Pay fees and send proof of payment to
- Renew fees and update contact details by 31 March annually.
- An option to upgrade to Premium membership
- An option to unsubscribe at any time (no fee refunds).
- Certificate of membership
- Entry and access to all Club events, meetings and resources.
- Access to support facts, tools and resourceful links for K-12 innovators.
- Free participation in KMC workshops
- Entry into all S A competitions
- Entry into international events including IF.G (Invent Futures. Global) and GIFT (Global Innovation Field Trip) and others.
- Opportunity to represent self, school and South Africa globally.