
Why read? Aren’t I too busy Inventing to read? Maybe.

Below we have assembled a general selection of good books on inventing and innovation for kids and adults and all who have plans and dreams and things to do. Why read? Because it sharpens your mind, broadens your imagination, teaches you things and introduces you to solutions you may not have considered. Reading makes you an interesting person and gets you out of any pickle there is when it comes to inventing and creating and making and innovating. There is someone out there who knows and you will likely find the answer in a book.
The books below are a wide selection – you will need to find them at your local bookstore or on Amazon etc. or wherever good books are sold – Good Luck with your invention ideas, though with a book in your hand you won’t really need it!

Have got a favourite? Tell us please info@iii.org.za

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