Henry Levine
Made in Workshop, MIW, is a shared makerspace, workshop and fabrication studio based in Strijdom Park, Johannesburg. CEO Henry Levine describes himself as a Manufacturing Engineer, as with all his practical and hands-on experience, he knows his way around the workshop, he knows how to do stuff, how to get things done, how to help his customers and which machine is best for which job.
Inventors love it when they see what they can achieve using these facilities and being able to talk about and solve what could be ‘prototyping’ problems.
Essentially MIW provides clients with the tools, machines and the space for them to design, build and fabricate their products, projects or ideas. But besides all this, Made in Workshop is more than just a shared workshop and makers’ studio – it is also a community of like-minded fabricators, manufacturers, and designers.
Henry is a hands-on manager, he likes the ability to make things that other people would normally purchase, and what’s more, his sound entrepreneurial background in sales, business management, fabrication, 3-D printing social media and all things technical means he is also well positioned to offer advice to inventors, creators, SMEs and other business people.
A mandate being met.